I was innately a shy lady that maintained very tight lips regarding my personal life, prior to 2012. Near that year's end, I shockingly made a social media post that referenced personal challenges and monumental successes that came after a spotlighted, failed marriage in 2011. Immediately, replies poured in via inbox and text message. I was bombarded with gratitude and testimonials from many who were surprised by the less-than-fairy-tale ending of my marriage, but more importantly, touched by the multi-flavored approach I took in sharing. It definitely wasn't a sob story or an "all men are scum" saga, but a place of vulnerability and transparency that offered comfort to the lonely, reassurance to the doubting and hope to the despairing!
At that moment, the light bulb turned on and I realized sharing my experiences and knowledge on a broader scale positively impacted others.
Today, I walk boldly as a...
Servant of Christ
Wife of my king, created imperfectly-perfect for me (we’re still on the honeymoon!)
Mother to the sweetest turkey (my daughter)
Leader within a Fortune 100 corporation
Inspirational writer (published author) and podcast host
Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Dedicated365 (motivational speaker + success coach + epic vision strategist)
Founder of Rise Up Single Mom (advocate for single moms) Non-Profit Organization
Technologist (B.S. in Information Technology) and business woman (M.B.A. and Project Management certificate)
"Each day is a gift and should be treated as such... with a smile, excitement and gratefulness!"